Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Samoa Air Fares Depend on Your Weight

Okay, I knew that some airline would eventually start charging you depending on your weight but I didn't know it was going to happen this quick.  Ever since a Norwegian educator said that the best way for airlines to prosper was to charge by the weight, there was a lot of discussion if the major airlines would do something like that.   Well now it has, Samoa Air.  Now Samoa Air is not a major airline for me but it is a major airline for Samoans.  When you buy a ticket on Samoa Air you have to include, not only pertinent identification details but also your weight and the weight of your bags.  Then based upon your weight you will prepay the ticket based on the rate per kilo plus the length of the flight.  When you get to the airport to check in with an airline, you and your bags get weighed to make sure that you paid the right fare if not you cough up the difference.

I agree that it's the fairest way to be able to charge for the ticket but I'm not sure people want to do things that way.  It will be interesting to see how this airline might influence the other airlines as time goes by.

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